Saturday, June 29, 2019

Wounds of Childhood - Part 2

Part 2

Wounds of Childhood - Part 1

I am thrilled to share with you my article published in Varthabharati news paper.

Kimari is a child sexual abuse survivor. Now, a 35-year-old woman, when she looks back at her life, she wonders why she was abused. She knows that nothing she did was/could be the reason for it. She believes her situation made her an easy prey, made her susceptible to abuse. She has narrated her childhood and early adulthood incidents to connect the dots, to find reasons. She thinks along with the abuse; the inability to understand what was going on, the inability to share it and the complicated situation she was in, made it hard for her to deal with it, recover from it and rehabilitate. She believes her struggles are worth if any child in her situation or any parent who thinks like her parents can get benefited by reading her story.

She wishes that her writing reaches as many people as possible.

I have narrated her story in Kannada and it is being published in Varthabharati news paper. Here is a link for all Kannada readers: