Thursday, November 15, 2012

I’ll never let you miss me

Like air, like light, like the stars
Like the universe, like mars
In Bangalore, like bars
I’ll always be around
I’ll never let you miss me

Bore you with jokes
Remind you with pokes
Do stupid mocks
But I’ll never let you miss me

Even if you think am mad
When either or both are sad
Be it good or be it bad
I’ll never let you miss me

When you are angry and fight
When you are drunk, fully tight
When your days are dark or bright
I’ll never let you miss me

Even if you go away and stay
You want to forget me and stray
Even when am buried in a grave
I’ll never let you miss me

I love you now and forever
I’ll forget or ignore never
I give you my word, clear,
I’ll always be around
I’ll never let you miss me



Rajendra said...

That's a lot of determination!

ದಿನಕರ ಮೊಗೇರ said...

nice.... dont dare to miss him and dont let him...