Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Nothing Lasts

Nothing will last for ever, nothing
fame, name, money, nothing
some times even we won't last long
long enough to make a life worth

Do we have to take life more lightly?
or keep 'geeta' in mind all the time
we shout, we cry, we touch extremes
but none of this will last for ever

Is it worth all those efforts, I wonder
is it really worth pouring all those emotions?
we live, we die, nothing changes, no one cares,
all we had, we made would die one day

we are sad today, tomorrow we may forget to cry
our happiness may be lost, dear ones die,
but till when can we be in the hangover
till when can we cry, till when can we shutter
only till we live
is it worth spoiling today when we know nothing lasts?

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