Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Invisible love

It's an ocean
Not just crashing waves
But under current 
Hot and cold streams
Salt and sweet mixed

Learn where to touch
How to study
How to feel, play, 
How to predict the weather
Where to go and where not 

It's not a rainbow
A colorful show off 
Not a bed of flowers
Or a fragrant breeze
Nor is it morning in a cup

It's the howl of a wolf
Rain with hailstorm 
Raging fire in a forest
Floods in the bramhaputra 
It's the end of ends 

Hidden love
Love buried deep inside
Explodes in anger
Bites with fury 
Slaps as hate
Ignores as indifference 
Cries like a river
Pushes to the edge
A tear drop
Unable to say 
Impossible to be
Contain the love! 


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