Sunday, May 26, 2024

To live a life

To live a life
Sounds easy
Big or small
Purposeful or not
To live a life
Is hard to do

Expectations mounted
Study, work, grow, 
Security and stability
Find someone to love 
Every age group
Has set targets 

Oh! Be good
Be the best
Keep doing
Change the world
Run a nation
Bring world peace

What is enough? 
Who embraces it? 
Stretch as you can
Dream as you must
Stop not
Struggle a lot 

How do you know
You've done it all
Your best game
Was mediocre
Your scary dream
Is simply done 

When do you stop? 
Retire at 60? 
Or 45 or 30 or 25? 
Or never start at all? 
Or go all the way
Till death takes you away 

How to be peaceful? 
With such chaos 
Many wrongs 
But right intentions 
Many disasters 
Many successes 

Desire to fix it all
But chances are small
What to choose
And let go loose
To live a life
Is hard to do


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